15/03/2016 to 12/05/2016


to work within an ecological NGO: Third Eye Association of Mediterranean (TEAM) www.thirdeyemed.org.tr



START: 15/03/2016

END: 12/05/2016

Role and Tasks of the volunteer(s):


The volunteer will be placed in the primary structure of Third Eye Association of Mediterranean (TEAM) and partner associations. She/He will participate in training courses, projects, camps, debates, cultural events and civic education. The objectives of the activity are:

-to clean the beaches in Mersin area where is the nesting area for the sea turtles

-to reduce discrimination and raise voluntarism awareness in local community by performing a multinational project with environment

-to give a framework for personal development and intercultural learning-by working and living within a team of different EVS volunteers

-to give to the volunteer a chance of initiative, creativity, and taking responsibilities in a multinational team

-to offer an alternative way of life and non-formal education ("place of reflection, action and experimentation")

-to experiment a large scale of “concrete " activities in the field of our manual and social project to stimulate self-confidence, autonomy and give a chance for new positive experiences.

-to raise European awareness and active citizenship by putting solidarity in concrete actions

-to learn to live together with other volunteers in the same apartment, with respect and tolerance towards the others and responsibility and autonomy for the common duties (cleaning, cooking etc.)

-to get new personal skills (art, language, organisation etc…)

The volunteer will participate in projects and activities like going outside with the students and volunteers, assist the organization on various festivals and activities, participate in national festivals, presenting the organization, and the culture.


Descrierea proiectului:

Proiectul ecologic va urmari, in principal, dezbaterea temei – poluarea apelor, curatarea plajei Kazanli, din Mersin, (plaja pe care testoasele isi depun ouale), dezvoltarea de abilitati si competente.

There may be greenhouse activity according to weather conditions and interests. At the end of workshops when the volunteers fulfil a presentation via theatre ,drama, flash mobs, games for the kids, TEAM will provide a place like school, groups, kids to present their outcome in order to create an awareness for protection of environment among the local people. According to Volunteers talent they may create short movie or presentation about EVS.

Pentru a candida la acest proiect va rugam sa  trimiteti

CV in format Europass si Scrisoare de intentie la adresa de mail oblio_org@yahoo.com

 Aranjamente practice:

Suma orelor de voluntariat este de 35 de ore/saptamana, sambata si duminica libere.

Fiind un proiect finanțat de Comisia Europeană prin programul Erasmus+, sunt asigurate următoarele:

▪    Transport conform baremului din Ghidul de finantare Erasmus+ (suma decontata nu va depasi 275 eur)

▪    asigurare medicală complexă

▪    cursuri de instruire

▪    bani pentru mâncare saptamanal;

▪    bani de buzunar lunar;

▪    cazare (la comun cu alti voluntari)

▪    servicii de mentorat și cursuri de limbă.

▪    Transport local;

▪    Oportunitatea de a realiza un proiect personal;

▪    Lucru în echipă internationala.

▪    Oportunitatea de a cunoaște mai bine Europa;

▪    Certificat European YouthPass


15/03/2016 to 12/05/2016


Bacau, Romania

str. Miron Costin nr. 11
cod 600160



Ne puteti suna la tel. 0723 141 242 sau 07555.000.77

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